Top Prostate Cancer Question on Prostate Diaries-The Blog and Podbean Podcast: The Prostate Nodule

Funny thing, even though the prostate nodule is the thing that urologists are checking for with a rectal exam...the most common rectal finding in the man who has prostate cancer is a normal feeling gland. With the advent of the PSA prostate cancers are being found before the gland has a palpable finding. A nodule …

the dreaded prostate biopsy revealed The Real Prostate Cancer Second Opinion-Illustrated "Factors to consider" in your  treatment decision-making process. I had my biopsy done by a partner during lunch. I took an antibiotic and  nothing for pain. My partner did attempt a prostate block but  it did not work. He took about 16 samples and it lasted about 20 minutes. …

Eugene, Ore and the Umpqua river part two- Prostate cancer the Rodney Dangerfield of organs-Why? the PSA.

So when we left off we were looking at a map and on one side of the river is a road and on the other a red dotted line indicating a hiking trail. The impression was that the red line was far enough from the road line that the group would have it both ways, …

Prostate Cancer and Male Sexuality- A Groundbreaking Survey by Dr. Jo-An Baldwin Peters

Right where I caught this fish at a cabin I have on the Chattahoochee River in Northeast Georgia, it's a shoal bass and what a joy to catch in the summer, is where Dr Peters visited me a year or so back. Fishing from a rock (shoal) no shirt on a beer near by and …

For prostate cancer the free PSA is helpful, but not fool-proof and is only one of the arrows in your prostate cancer decision making-quiver.

The below is helpful but not a stand alone type statistic or characteristic of your PSA. I have a friend whose free PSA was very high indicating a low probability of prostate cancer and ....all of his twelve cores showed cancer, however all the cores were Gleason's 6. The free PSA (being very low) was …

Diet and Prostate Cancer…In golf they say a “hook won’t listen to a damn thing you say.” To “our chagrin?”

"don't nobody love you like your mother".....jennie cooperWhen I first started this blog about a year ago, the first thing I noted about tooling around the internet for subject matter was the emotion and angst out there about prostate cancer. People using terms like "money hungry urologist," "money making companies at the expense of patients," "how …